Prickly |
Wreck deck |
Bumps |
It's raining fish |
Distant diver |
Beam me up, Scotty |
Found again. But I have not the faintest idea what it is. Could be a worm. but also a juvenile fish. Any help to identify would be appreciated. More photos available. |
Puff pastry |
Siphopteron tigrinum (similar to Bali species found on nudipixel.net) |
Sponge Crater Branch |
Unidentified 10 (probably a known Cratena) |
Ovulid |
Free floating |
Urchinitis |
Frog |
Plakobranchus |
Taringa halgerda |
Hypselodoris Mexichromis mix |
Aegires villosus |
Frogy |
Phestilla in sea of egg mass |
Phestilla |
Sad face |
Where is the sap? |
Lemon sorbet on melon (Cadlinella subornatissima) |
Ovulid |
Cratena simba |
Branchophilia |
Unidentified 9 |
Guess so, just come our way. |
Can he be one of us? |
Intercultural society |
Between bommies |
Unanimously anemonous |
Blue bubbles |
In the spotlight |
Yellow - red - blue |
Giant branch |
Pearly crab |
Two faced |
Shallow hunter |
Coral to sand |
Bumphead |
Hypseltrain |
Love is in the eye |
Rhinophored Austrian flag |
Fishing frogfish |
No branch |
Unidentified 2 |
Unidentified 3 |
From the underworld |
Pinkie meets |
Wreck scene |
Fleeing Europe |
The helm |
Heedful interaction |
Take on rice |
Shadows over crabs |
Marine intersection |
Cricket, close-up-side-down! |
Chasing wild tomato |
Rembrandt |
Temple dogs |
Face of the greedy guard |
Greedy guards door |
Temple of the greedy guards |
Puppets |
Family trip |
Species list Tulamben 2014 (name, size, numbers)
List is not WoRMS checked and contains quite a few mistakes and probably misidentifications, *=excitement factor:
Species count and individual branch numbers have probably declined compared to last year. Also, the average branch size seems smaller (which is a plus to me).
*Aegires villosus 12 3
Atys cylindricus 8 2
Atys sp. 1 8 1
Atys sp. 2 8 1
Atys sp. 3 12 1
Atys sp. 4 9 1
Bulbaeolidia alba 5 2
Bulla sp. 1 7 1
*Cadlinella subornatissima 14 1
*Chelidonura hirundinina 15 7
Chromodoris annae 50 1
Chromodoris strigata 45 1
Costasiella kuroshimae 4 5
Costasiella sp. 1 4 4
Cratena simba 9 3
Cuthona yamasui 14 1
**Dendronotus regius 1 18 1
Doriprismatica atromarginata 45 7
Doto sp. 1 10 1
Doto sp. 2 9 4
Doto sp. 3 9 10
Elysia sp. 1 7 8
Elysia sp. 2 30 1
*Elysia sp. 3 6 1
Eubranchus sp. 1 16 6
Favorinus japonicus 3 2
Favorinus sp. 1 6 1
Favorinus sp. 2 3 1
Favorinus tsuruganus 19 2
Flabellina exoptata 14 3
Flabellina macassarana 16 8
Glossodoris cincta 35 1
Goniobranchus albonares 7 2
Goniobranchus geometricus 19 1
Goniobranchus hintuanensis 30 11
*Goniobranchus trimarginatus 22 1
Goniodoridella sp. 2 (Goniodoris aspersa) 3 1
Gymnodoris alba 10 1
Gymnodoris sp. 1 17 3
*Herviella sp. 1 13 1
*Hoplodoris estrelyado 35 1
Hoplodoris sp. 1 28 1
Hypselodoris emma 15 3
Hypselodoris infucata 19 3
Hypselodoris kanga 25 1
Hypselodoris maculosa 13 2
Hypselodoris sp. 1 4 1
Hypselodoris tryoni 55 6
Hypselodoris zephyra 14 13
Jorunna funebris 20 4
*Jorunna rubescens 55 3
**Lomanotus sp. 1 7 1
**Melibe sp. 1 11 7
**Melibe sp. 2 8 2
Mexichromis multituberculata 20 4
Mexichromis trilineata 11 1
*Nembrotha cristata 40 1
**Nembrotha kubaryana 30 2
Noalda sp. 1 4 3
***Okenia liklik 4 1
Phestilla sp. 1 55 7
Phillidiella pustulosa 40 2
Phyllidia coelestis 40 1
Phyllidia exquisita 30 3
Phyllidia ocellata 20 1
Phyllidiella lizae 40 1
Phyllidiella pustulosa 35 23
Phyllodesmium colemani 15 2
Phyllodesmium macphersonae 14 2
Phyllodesmium poindimiei 14 5
Plakobranchus sp. 1 13 1
Platydoris sanguinea 35 1
*Pleurobranchus albiguttatus 24 1
Pteraeolidia ianthina 200 2
**Siphopteron tigrinum 4 1
Siphopteron brunneomarginatum 3 1
Stiliger ornatus 7 2
**Taringa halgerda 20 2
**Thecacera sp. 1 18 1
Thorunna australis 8 1
Thorunna daniellae 7 1
Thuridilla albopustulosa 8 1
Thuridilla gracilis 18 3
Thuridilla sp. 1 8 1
***Trapania scurra 3 1
**Trapania sp. 1 4 1
***Trapania vitta 2 1
Unidentia angelvaldesi 13 1
*Unidentified 1 14 1
Unidentified 2 12 1
Unidentified 3 2 1
Unidentified 4 28 1
*Unidentified 5 25 1
Unidentified 6 5 1
**Unidentified 7 30 1
Unidentified 8 10 2
**Unidentified 9 4 1
**Unidentified 10 3 1
Unidentified 11 2 1
Unidentified 12 5 1
Unidentified 13 5 1
Yellow on blue |
Okenia liklik |
Trapania scurra |
Guarding a kingdom |
Lomanotus sp. 1 |
Fish wave |
Looking for a dancer |
Fish invasion |
Underwater zebra |
Bending branch |
Macca |
Poffertje |
Giant Clam Scene |
Bump heads |
Not only Nemo |
Lipstick fish |
Marine creatures |
Melibe sp. 1 (or maybe Melibe sp. 2) |
Melibe sp. 1 |
Dendronotus sp. (Dendronotus sp. 2 in Gosliner IPN) |
Thecacera sp. |
Reef scene |
Gymnodoris |
Ovulid |
Hoplodoris |
Discodorid |
Frogy |
Head stand |
Hide and seek |
Laying eggs |
Hypselodoris |
Discodorid |
Polycera |
Trapania vitta (2mm) |
Trapania |
Frogfish duo |
Staghornia |
Camouflage |
Cleaning team |
On a journey (Nembrotha cristata) |
Cute non-branch |
Politician's mouth |
Collecting nisting material |
Monster |
Base jumping |
Dean's robe |
Anybody hear me? |
Water dragon |
Magpie tibicens |
Piep |
Head |
Talking around the bush |
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